Benefits & Volunteering

    Career Support

    • The 职业发展中心 offers WC tools and help for professional development and job searches. This is a 为WC毕业生提供终身服务. 服务包括一对一的咨询, resources for professional development, workshops, and job boards.
    • 注册一个免费帐户 GeorgeConnX, WC’s online platform for professional networking, mentorship, and job searching. You can mentor current students or network with alumni and search for jobs.

      Watch a ten-minute video explaining how the 职业发展中心 supports 校友,同时培养与本科生的指导.  


    • 在我们的网站上创建个人资料, which can be used to increase the visibility of your LinkedIn profile or professional business. 它还帮助我们说明了WC教育的影响! 
    • Own a business? List it on our 校友企业名录 to enhance its accessibility to clients and customers, and inspire our next generation of graduates.
    • WC faculty/staff and fellow alumni periodically offer you exclusive 在线/虚拟类 关于各种各样的话题.



    • As an alum, you and your family are eligible for an affiliate membership to the 纽约的宾大俱乐部 以及它的姐妹俱乐部.
    • 加入1782协会, you and your family can access campus athletic facilities, including the Johnson Fitness Center, Casey Swim Center, Cain Gym, and fitness classes.
    • Led by WC faculty, alumni trips offer exclusive opportunities several times a year for you to travel the world. Some recent options included Ireland, Cuba, and the American Southwest.


    • 免费会员资格. When a geographic alumni chapter exists near where you live or work, you are automatically 被视为成员. 分会每年举办几次活动,包括WC传统 (toasts to George), outings (brewery tours, baseball games), and family-friendly events (去动物园,滑冰). 看看你附近有没有这样的章节!
    • 参加独家活动和演出 无论是在校园里还是在全国/世界各地. 这些活动包括会谈、示威、 派对和戏剧表演.
    • 预留校友宿舍 for your next celebration or private event, free of charge as long as it falls within 学院可接受的用途. 设施的使用取决于事件的可用性和类型.
    • 利用校园场地举办下一次特别活动,包括婚礼、公司务虚会、营地等等. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 预留一个位置, .


    • 所有WC校友都会被自动考虑 校友会终身会员 在校友会及其他委员会中有代表. 这打开了通路 for you to volunteer for WC in numerous capacities and be a part of shaping the future 海洋之神590网址. 更新你的信息 这样我们才能保持联系!
    • All alumni who have a valid email and have opted to receive emails from WC receive an 校友的电子通讯 with upcoming events, news, and messages from key staff, faculty, and alumni.
    • 访问存档问题 of the 8590海洋之神官网 Magazine and stay tuned for a new annual publication on the horizon.
    • 需要大学成绩单吗?? 善用厕所 网上注册系统.
    • 想找那张70年代的照片吗? Items from the 大学档案馆 是免费的电子版吗.
    • Access your washcoll.Edu电子邮件帐户 anytime.

    回馈WC的方式有很多. 你是否选择分享你的经历 with prospective students, host a student intern, or network with other alumni at your chapter’s annual Toast to George, your involvement makes a tremendous impact. Take a look at some of your options, and then fill out the form below to let us know 你的兴趣所在. 谢谢你的才华!


    • 流域计划. The admissions office offers several opportunities through the Watershed Program for 校友为未来的学生提供志愿服务.
    • 家庭对家庭. Current parents reach out to self-selecting prospective parents by email or phone 分享海洋之神590网址家长的观点.
    • 意向书. 校友向未来的学生发送电子邮件/信件. 校友们有特别的 perspective 海洋之神590网址 that can encourage prospective students to commit to the College.

    Alumni Groups

    • Alumni chapters are scattered throughout the country and hold events to promote fellowship, celebrate 延续了书院的传统,并进一步推动书院的使命. 校友可以成为分会的领导 of existing chapters, start a new chapter through the Alumni Office, or help promote/attend events.
    • Affinity groups. Alumni lead or can start groups for fellow alumni based on shared interests or professional fields. Some examples include Law Alumni, DramAlumni, Men’s Lacrosse Alumni, etc.
    • Alumni Board. Elected board of alumni who lead the WC Alumni Association, give counsel to the leadership ,并推动校友活动.
    • 校友周末策划. This group of alumni helps plan the largest alumni event of the year. Planners can help with class reunions, affinity celebrations, campus activities, and more.
    • 委员会或专责小组. Throughout the year, many standing and ad hoc committees of alumni and supporters of the College help to further the College’s mission and activities through committee 特别工作组的工作. 这些群体每年都根据需要而变化.

    Career Services

    • 工作/实习职位. Alumni and parents share opportunities with the 职业发展中心 to be included in GeorgeConnX, a database of internship and job postings that all students can access.
    • 举办实习(工作见习). Alumni and parents share opportunities and/or host job shadowing experiences. The externship experience allows undergraduates to explore career fields, provides linkages to classroom learning, and readies them as they approach selection of major and minor 学习课程.
    • 专业社交活动. Alumni/parents participate in or host networking events on campus or in their cities. This provides several opportunities for student to interact with our amazing alumni 在专业层面上.
    • 模拟面试和信息面试. Alumni/parents conduct practice one-on-one interviews with students to provide insight and feedback. 面试可以通过电话、Skype或亲自进行.
    • 信息讲座/课堂讲座. Alumni/parents share information about their organization or industry with students 有兴趣了解更多. 演讲可以通过中心安排 职业发展.
    • 职业指导项目. Alumni/parents are paired with a student(s) to offer opportunities for students to connect informally and network with professionals in a variety of careers through online platform GeorgeConnX.
    • 有针对性的职业意识项目. Alumni/parents host a small group of students at their organization. They provide tours, introduce students to various roles and career paths, expose them to culture, and share opportunities as well as preparation required to be successful in pursuing 实习或全职职位.
    • 参加招聘会. Alumni/parents represent their organization at annual career/graduate school fairs 在校园里推广实习或全职工作机会. 展览会在 包括秋季学期和春季学期.


    • Alumni stewards volunteer for Advancement and Alumni Relations by writing 10 thank you notes each 向慈善支持学院的校友致敬. 员工帮助志愿者 identify a cohort of donors they are willing to thank, either by program or by class year.

    To learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact the Alumni Office at . 

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    马里兰州居民可以申请 WC牌照 through the MVA. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护) .